A Sampling of Our Clients


What people are saying

Loved the data-based approach and the practical solutions suggested. Also feel like they did an excellent job tailoring the presentation to the questions/levels of DEI that participants had.
— Consulting client
This session was exactly what I have been looking for to take the DEI topic from something hard to define to some[thing] tangible in the business context.
— HR & DEI workshop participant
Theodosia and Brian were a joy to work with and continuously impressed us throughout the process.
— Consulting client
I was glad to have a real conversation about DEI and the conversation being more than “checking” a box.
— Workshop participant
Enjoyed how the presenters shared personal experience, work experience, and research experience to facilitate discussion. It was essential to emphasize the focus on impact over intention. It shook me in a good way and set the tone for meaningful conversation
— DEI training session participant